Break up with her If your girlfriend refuses to do something sexually with you that she has willingly done for her previous boyfriend/s.

For the record, I’m not talking about things she tried once with an ex, but never did again because she genuinely didn’t like it (although, an argument could be made for her letting you try at least once, too).

What I am talking about is any act she willingly performed for an ex that she either enjoyed or was at least indifferent to (i.e. She had no negative feelings about it).

There are two main reasons for this behavior and neither of them are good.

The first reason could be that her ex is more important to her than you. He is so important that even though the relationship is over, there are still things that she wants to reserve as only being for him and, in her mind, giving those things to you would feel like cheating. I know, crazy right?

The second reason could be that she is less attracted to you than she was to her ex. You are second best in her estimation; good enough to date, but not good enough to give all that she has to offer. Does that sound like a desirable relationship to be in???

let’s make some thing’s clear:

  1. No guy is entitled to sex from a girl just because she is his girlfriend, but no girl is entitled to a relationship with a guy she won’t fuck.
  2. I’m not saying that a guy should say “Do this for me, or I’m leaving.” I’m saying that, once he finds out that she’s holding out on him sexually, he should move on. That relationship is toxic, and you can be sure that sex isn’t the only thing she’s keeping from him.
  3. This obviously goes both ways and pertains to more things than just sex, I only picked men and sex because I tend to hear about that situation more often.
  4. Obviously not suggesting that the girl should be forced to do anything she doesn’t want to do.
  5. If both the guy and the girl are refusing to give each other things that they willingly gave their ex’s, then I guess it’s a match made in heaven.

This was inspired by a group of guys talking about their past relationships and the commonalities they noticed with each other.

For one, it was a girl in high school who refused to kiss him (they did everything else but no kissing), but admitted to him that she’d kissed her ex a lot. He dumped her. Girls he’s been with since haven’t held back like that (at least not that he was aware of.)

Another guy had an ex that wouldn’t do anal, but she talked about doing it with an ex and how much she liked it.

Another guy wasn’t getting blowjobs, but found out from a mutual friend that his girlfriend loved giving them to an ex.

There are more, but they’re all pretty much the same story.

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