You Were Never A Real Advocate of Domestic Violence If You Stay Silent When You Realize the Claim was Fake.

The Johnny Depp debacle is one of the most deeply troubling and hurtful things I’ve ever encountered in my life. As someone who has endured horrible things at the hands of people who loved her…the way she gas lighted him, the way her anger got elevated, the way she blatantly threatened him with saying that nobody would ever believe him should he come out as a victim….are textbook. Those are textbook abuse tactics.


I have seen everyone rally around #metoo. Big celebrities such as Kathy Griffin, news networks lambasted Depp. He lost roles, and millions of dollars. Why aren’t amber’s jobs being threatened? Why is the news allowed to sit quiet? Why aren’t people shouting from the rooftops that she is a proponent of domestic violence who should be jailed?

It goes deeper to me than man vs woman. To me it means, anyone who has ever come out in support of domestic violence…never really cared in the first place. If they cared, they’d pick up on the times where someone was untruthful. If they cared, they’d support male victims of DV the same way. If they cared, they’d be willing to put aside their biases for the good of justice. But they don’t care. They don’t care about domestic abuse victims unless it fits their narrative.

It shows me how long we have to go until things are truly equal between men and women. We don’t talk enough about some of the biases we have in our favor as women that lead to terrible people abusing that privilege. Innocent men have died at the hands of false claims, and yet it seems we haven’t gone very far from those ideas at all. If you are an abuse survivor, or have been an ally to people who are abuse survivors, you’d be horrified, no matter who it came from.

People like Kathy Griffin and others defending Amber on twitter genuinely turns my stomach. I wouldn’t wish it on a single soul to be abused and not believed.

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